Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Tuesday, August 09, 2005
    The Uma Puma is also getting to be quite the cleve...
    The Uma Puma is also getting to be quite the clever and sly one. On Sunday, Ketan and I went into our parents' room to check in on Uma, because she is so darn cute when she is sleeping, and inadvertantly woke her up. Uma played for a little while, but she was obviously cranky, so my mom took her back inside to put her back to sleep. While rocking Uma, Mom put her hand over Uma's eyes so she wouldn't be distracted by all the things in the room (the window blinds had already been closed). After a few minutes, Uma was very quiet and still, so Mom assumed she was sleeping and lifted her hand. Uma's eyes were wide open and she gave Mom a big gummy smile as if to say, "Gotcha!"



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