Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Thursday, September 15, 2005
    baby crack
    It's become a little tricky trying to do something with Uma in our living room. Jessica has been doing some infant massage and baby yoga (from Itsy-Bitsy Yoga) with her. The problem is that Uma will twist and contort and struggle trying to catch sight of her play gym. Once she spots it, she'll just stare longingly in its direction. It's gotten to the point where Jessica often has to hide it in the playpen so Uma will stop staring at it. Once she's in it, she's as pleased as can be, playing 20 minutes or more by herself. Even more impressive was what she did when they visited a friend yesterday. This friend also has an infant and play gym. Uma was lying on the floor and noticed their play gym. She harnessed her newly-mastered rolling-over skills and zipped right over into it. That girl is something.



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