Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Thursday, September 01, 2005
    rise and shine
    Lately, I've been taking advantage of my new opportunity to greet Uma when she wakes up in the morning. That's a fun time. She'll start by making little noises that I hear over the monitor. "Aaaaa." "Mmmm." "Oooo." She can entertain herself for a while before she demands attention, but I often go in to watch her. She'll be on her stomach in the crib, usually facing away from where I sit. Sometimes, she's holding her head up and looking around. Other times, she has her head down and is sucking noisily on her thumb or staring in rapt fascination at her hand. Lately, she's been straightening her legs and pushing her bottom into the air, in anticipation of soon being able to roll over the other way. She'll go from one activity to another and back again over the course of several minutes, just happily playing there in the crib and making noises. Long before she gets tired of playing, I get tired of waiting and pick her up. She sees me, and she looks around, and she smiles. Then I take her to say "hi" to Mommy. It's a nice way to start my day.



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