Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Thursday, September 08, 2005
    three in a row
    Uma slept through the night a third time. Once was inevitable, twice was lucky, but three? This girl's got it. She woke up briefly at 6am, but it turned out she was just cold. It counts. These are happy days.

    Also, this morning, I was eating breakfast and watching her move around in her crib after waking up, and she almost rolled over from her stomach to her back. If it hadn't been for that pesky arm in the way, she would have made it. For those of you keeping score at home, Miss Uma can currently roll from her back to her stomach on her right side. She can't roll to her left, and could not previously roll from her stomach to her back. It's a good thing she's rolling to her right side in both cases, because it means she can't roll over and over and over and away.

    That's not to say she's an immobile paperweight. Little Miss has figured out how to scoot. She'll be on her back and move her legs in an apparently uncoordinated, random manner, but it'll get her across the floor. She's not super fast, but it's a sneaky move. Gotta keep an eye on that one.



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