Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Friday, November 04, 2005
    another update... now with words!
    Uma's sitting up has gotten a lot better in the last few weeks. We've been trying to strengthen her abilities in that regard. She can now sit up pretty stably for a while, especially on hard surfaces, although sometimes she'll topple to the side, and she doesn't seem to realize that arching her back will make her fall over. She's quite the fan of the bucking bronco dance, whether she's sitting, lying down, or being held. As such, we don't let her sit unattended, either having her sit with one of us or supported by her Boppy.

    On shot day, she got all the vitals measured again. She's about 16lbs., which is not much more than before, but she's lengthened to 27". At her previous appointment, she was 75th percentile for both height and weight; now, she's only 50th percentile for weight, but she's 90th percentile for height. She's grown 7" since she was born. If she sustains her current rate of growth, and there's no reason to think she won't, she'll be 12 feet tall on her 10th birthday. Her head circumference is also something like 90th percentile, which was also the case last time. She needs to have room for all that brain so she can figure out (among other things) how to free her ladybug from the play gym.

    We also discovered this morning that she has a tooth coming in. It hasn't broken through, being just a bump in her lower gum, but it's coming. Enjoy her gummy smiles, because they won't last. Our baby's growing up (*sniff*).



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