Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Friday, November 25, 2005
    on the mend
    Thanksgiving Day was a tough day. Uma slept a half hour in the morning and a half hour in her stroller before we went to Aaji and Ajoba's for Thanksgiving. Later, she slept another half hour in her stroller, but for a girl who was used to 3-4 hours of naps per day, who'd had too little sleep the previous night (and low-quality sleep at that), and who was sick, it was just not a good day. All the way home, she was on the brink, but we managed to hold off catastrophe with stirring duets of "She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain;" "Twinkle, Twinkle;" and "Jingle Bells."

    Uma's bath was, as always, a high point of the day, but when it came time to go to bed, it was another tough situation. She finally went down at 7:30pm after some heavy duty soothing, and we mentally prepared ourselves for a long, tough night. And waited. And waited. And waited. This girl slept clear through to 2:50am, when she woke up to nurse. Then she went back to sleep until this morning. That was quite the relief. She's much better today. Her breathing is easier, her nose is running a trickle where it used to run a gush, and her fever has passed. A sick baby is a sad sad thing, but it looks like we're out of the woods.



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