Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Monday, January 02, 2006
    Uma's known for a long time how to make noise with her mouth open: aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa! She also has known how to make noise with her mouth closed: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm. Just a few days ago, she discovered that, when she alternated the two, it sounded pretty neat. "Nananananananana." "Bababababababa." Etc. She's far from talking, but it sounds a lot more like talking than what she was doing last week. She's still experimenting with different noises, too. This morning, we were treated with both "yuh" and something akin to the sound a Canada goose might make under torture. Right now, she's yelping in her crib, waiting for sleep to come. She's a funny girl, this one.

    UPDATE: well, that time she wasn't content to wait for sleep. Daddy had to go in and hurry it along with some rocking, singing, and back-patting.



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