Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Wednesday, January 11, 2006
    wonder of wonders
    Last night, Uma only woke up once. Not "woke up multiple times and needed intervention only once," but woke up only once*. It meant she woke up for the day at 7am, but that's ok if she's going to sleep like that.

    * Meaning she was noisy enough that we knew about it.

    In food news, Uma's been less interested in solids lately. She's had a few digestive problems over the last week or two, so maybe that's the cause. We're not concerned. She still really likes her pear sauce. We've added carrots, avocado, and peaches to her diet as well, with mixed results. Still, she's made up for less solids with more interest in nursing, so overall, it's not an issue.



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