Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Friday, February 24, 2006
    She did it again! Uma slept through the night... ish. She woke up angry about an hour after going down for the night, but I don't count that against her; we weren't asleep yet, after all. Sometime around 4am, she started making noise, but she didn't need anyone to soothe her back to sleep. She wasn't even very hungry when she woke up for the day.

    Uma's pre-bed playtime last night was exciting. She crawled backwards a few steps (I didn't say she'd crawl forward this month, did I?) more than once. It was a little funny and a little sad: she'd see something out of her reach that she wanted. She knew she needed to move somehow, but it kept moving further away. She also moved from lying down to sitting up at least five times. Finally, she was able to repeatedly pull herself up into an unstable standing position from sitting on my lap. Uma's definitely getting an inkling, so it won't be long.

    Also, if Uma ever plays soccer, I'm sure she'll be a goalie. She's gotten very, very good at defending her face from our assaults with the washcloth.



    • At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Watch out! She's going to be running around in no time! Congrats on the sleeping through the night thing. That's such a wonderful step. Does Uma wake up early? If I could only train Evie to sleep until 7 . . .



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