Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Monday, March 13, 2006
    11 months
    I can't believe I almost forgot the 11 month day. At this rate, I'm sure I'm going to totally space on the 12 month day.

    Uma has only been crawling for two weeks, but she's gotten fast. She's especially fast when she's got Molly (one of the dogs) in her sights. No doubt Molly will learn to fear Uma's shriek of delight at spotting her. She occasionally sticks her right leg out the way she did when she first started, but more and more she's on both knees. Also, she can pull now herself up onto her knees, or from another, supported position up to a full stand.

    The weekend wasn't such a fun one. She woke up every hour or so at night on Saturday, woke up early (6:30 am, ugh) on Sunday, and didn't nap nearly as much as she needed. Sunday night, she woke up at one point screaming mad, about as angry as I've seen her, and took nearly an hour to fall back asleep. She's had a bit of a runny nose, but she's had worse. She had no fever, so she didn't have a cold. Her unhappiness was definitely from some external cause; rarely as she been so hard to console. We suspected teething, and a brief (anger-multiplying) poke in her mouth found a bump in the back lower left. We gave her infant Tylenol and managed to get her back to sleep eventually. She woke up only once more that night and fell back asleep quickly after nursing. Today, she was much happier, taking long naps to catch up on sleep and generally being back to her normal self, runny nose excepted.

    One thing we weren't prepared for with Uma was just how bizarre and funny and interesting she would be. There's the crazy grin as she chases Molly. There's the tacit deal we've worked out where Uma won't allow us to spoon feed her unless we give her a toy (and it has to be a good one, too). We've been trying to teach her "Mama," which she often repeats and sometimes seems to understand, but on occasion has responded to with "bvvaa." There's the way she bounces and shrieks in the grocery cart for no apparent reason, or how she absolutely, positively must have that bag of cheese. She likes to dangle out the side of the stroller. Uma has a crush on a 14-month old in her music class. She makes weird noises when she's falling asleep or waking up that make us intensely curious just what she's doing in there. This is just a sample of the strange and bizarre behaviors we experience with our Little Miss. It's possible that your baby may be different.



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