Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Thursday, March 02, 2006
    moving forward
    Uma's crawling ability is advancing rapidly. She crawled about 8 feet to get at Molly's tail, and would have crawled more had Molly been further away (aside: the look of sheer joy on her face as she realized she'd be able to eat Molly's tail was priceless [not that we let her]). She's a little awkward and a little clumsy, but she definitely knows what she's doing. She still only does it for things she really wants, like the aforementioned glasses or tail, but that inhibition probably only has a day or two left.

    Uma may be awkward with crawling, but she's gotten very agile with rolling and sitting up. To get from point A to point B, she does some combination of crawling, rolling, sitting up, and going back down to wend her circuitous path. She's usually sitting up when we go in to get her after sleeping. We've also had to drop her mattress a couple of inches because the added height makes it really easy for her to grab her mobile.

    Less exciting is Uma's increased resistance to being fed with a spoon. She eats finger foods, but she is slow and can only eat some of her foods that way. Broccoli, green beans, and pears are fine, but the skins of peas are a choking hazard. We've been pureeing those foods for her, but she's nowhere near feeding herself with a spoon. She can't live on cheese, waffles, and Morning-O's™, after all. In spite of that, she still managed to sleep through the night. I'm going to stop noting these nights until something substantial changes.

    Something you might have noticed in recent pictures is that Uma smiles at the camera a lot. Often, just seeing it makes her smile. The girl sees that camera a lot, so it's nice that it makes her happy.



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