Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Wednesday, May 17, 2006
    Meals with Uma
    Now that she's a year old, Uma eats just table food--no baby food for her anymore. She eats pretty much everything we do, even spicy foods. The only thing she doesn't like is food with a pronounced onion-y flavor. She's also skilled at feeding herself. She's mastered finger foods and has even managed to feed herself with a spoon on occasion. Lately, however, feeding Uma has become a challenge because she's discovered the joys of throwing food. I have to dole out finger foods one piece at a time or else she eats one piece and throws the rest. She seems to recognize my strategy and likes to try to fake me out. She'll pick up the piece of food I just put down on her tray, hold it out to the side like she's going to drop it, and then with a big smile on her face, pop it in her mouth at the last minute.

    Today Uma tried out a new trick. She took big gulps of water from her sippy cup and then let the water dribble out of her mouth and down her chin. This was the source of great glee until mean Mommy took away her sippy cup.


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