Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Sunday, May 28, 2006
    Smart girl
    The Puma Bear is incredibly smart, and I'm not just saying that because I'm biased. She's picking up words very quickly and today, we only had to tell her once what something was and then we'd say, "Show us your apple, Uma," and she would. And then we'd ask her to give us the bangle (which she saw for the first time today) and she knew exactly what we were talking about.

    One of Uma's big accomplishments today was putting a lid back on a tupperware container. Uma loves tupperware containers and today, she sat very quietly and was very focused on putting the lid back on the container. She knew if she just kept pressing down on it, eventually she'd get it to stay. At any rate, this incident demonstrates that even at this age, she's very focused on her goals!



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