Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Tuesday, June 13, 2006
    14 months
    Uma hit 14 months today. She's progressing rapidly. She can easily walk balancing herself on furniture. She also really enjoys walking with her hands held up. She can stand for increasingly long without support, up to 10 seconds at a time. She took a step that way just recently, but it doesn't qualify as walking.

    She has also learned how to say a few more words. "Squirrel" she says "querr," for instance. "Daddy" is still not an important word, though; she greeted me on my return from work tonight with a clear and enthusiastic "Mama!" I started teaching her some signs at the beginning of the month as well. She knows the sign for "dog" really well and does it a lot, often doing it after seeing dogs (or pictures) we didn't even know were there. She knows the sign for "more" and can do it, but she hasn't known what it means, though today she might have gotten it. She knows the sign for "drink," and she takes a swig when I do it, but she doesn't do it herself. There are a handful (haha) of other signs we're going to try to teach her.

    Uma's canine still hasn't popped out. It was bothering her this past weekend. I think what I called a premolar before might be a full molar; I saw at least four cusps on it. The teeth are slowly coming in, and she seems to be figuring out what to do with them. It's getting harder and harder to peek in to see more, though; she no likey.



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