Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Tuesday, July 18, 2006
    15 month checkup
    Uma had her 15 month checkup this morning. That included 2 shots, poor thing, but the good news is that she doesn't need any more shots until 4 (except we'll get her flu shots every fall). Uma's at about 20 lbs. even, which puts her in the 10th percentile, while her height of 31 inches makes her 75th percentile. Head circumference is 44.5 cm, but I don't recall the percentile on that.

    This morning, Uma said "out" to ask me to take her out of her high chair. It turned out she wasn't done yet, but still... She has at least 10 words in her speaking vocabulary and at least 50 that she understands. That's well past the 15 month baseline. Since she can stack blocks, walk, and do some other things, there's no need for her to have an 18 month appointment, so she won't see the doctor until April, when she's two.



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