Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Friday, July 14, 2006
    bah bah
    Uma loves the "bye bye." You take her out of her bath and it's "bah bah." When she walks out of the room, it's "bah bah." Wave at her and it's "bah bah."

    One of her favorite "bah bahs" is to stand with her hands on your knees. Then you walk backwards. It's like she thinks she's pushing you around the house. You'd best not get stuck in a corner, either, else there will be yelling.

    She's a sweet little walker. She doesn't always know where she's going, going back and forth and over and around, but she just has this big grin on her face and this cute little wobbly walk. That's all for now. This is Mommy (#2) saying "bah bah."



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