Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Thursday, August 03, 2006
    happy times
    Uma likes dancing a lot. Her dancing is very simple: she bends at the waist and then straightens. She dances to music, singing, clapping, and the rhythmic kneading of the bread machine.

    Her newest favorite game is "bug hug." Mommy and Daddy sit on the floor with some separation between them. Uma goes to Mommy, who says "bug hug!" Then she picks Uma up, gives her a hug (which can last no more than 4 seconds), and puts her back down. Uma then goes charging off to Daddy with a wild grin on her face shrieking happily. Daddy says "bug hug!" Then he picks her up, gives her a hug (again, no more than 4 seconds), and puts her back down. Then Uma goes to Mommy.

    We've been regularly reading Where the Wild Things Are and Goodnight, Moon to Uma every night. She enjoys it a lot. I ask her at the end of her evening, "Uma, do you want to read a story?" She goes zipping off to her bedroom, not getting distracted by toys, spoons, shiny things, or even Molly. If Mommy or Daddy isn't there, she marches off to collect the truant. Story Time is not to be neglected.



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