Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Wednesday, August 30, 2006
    what's a lamo?
    Uma made her first trip to San Antonio this past weekend, and only her second trip beyond the Austin metropolitan area. She made friends with some boys (properly chaperoned, of course). Andrew is almost 3, while Michael is just a few weeks older than Uma. Then it was back for home. She was remarkably good on the 80 minute drive. There was a little complaining towards the end on the way down, and she was an absolute angel on the way back. I was sure the only way she'd tolerate another 80 minutes was if she fell asleep, but she stayed awake and content the whole way, even helpfully pointing out all the buses (trucks), buses (vans), and buses (buses). Ever since then, she's been reminding us that she went to visit Michael (sorry, Andrew) by saying "my-uhh" a lot. Uma likes making friends. She still occasionally mentions her cousin Nick ("nayoo"), who visited weeks ago. We've told her he went "bye-bye," and she'll respond "bah-bah" when we ask her where Nick went.

    The other day, Uma learned how to walk on her tip toes. I've taught her what it's called, so often I can say "tippy toes" and she'll start to do it. She's quite the dutiful child.

    Uma can say in theory many words, but a lot of them sound the same. Burp (her daddy is what he is) is bar, bus is buh, ball is baa, and elbow is bow (as in the verb, not the noun). Same goes for a lot of other words. It seems like consonants give her trouble, especially at the ends of words. The number of words she understands is amazing. She can understand instructions like "close the door," "put that down," and "bring the book to Mommy."



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