Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Friday, September 08, 2006
    a sensitive child
    Uma doesn't like books that say "goodbye." She has one book where a group of fish get together, and then, one by one, the group leaves each fish behind. By the end, she's in tears. We don't read her that book anymore.

    We tried a book about a Little and Big Nut Brown Hares frolicking before bed, but again, the ending with Little Nut Brown Hare going to sleep was just too sad for her.

    We moved on to a book about a mischievous cat, which ends with saying "goodnight" to the cat. The last couple nights, right as we reached the end, her little bottom lip stuck out and her face collapsed with an anguished "buh buh." We're going to stop reading that one, too. Oddly enough, she has no problem with "Goodnight Moon," which is full of "goodnights," nor does she have a problem saying goodnight to all the things in her room, and she's still been an absolute angel about going to bed. I don't claim to understand Uma.



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