Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Friday, November 03, 2006
    the pitter patter of little feet
    Uma has learn to run for real, or at least close enough to it. It's a wonder she can manage it through the giggling. She can also climb into the tub by herself now; it's fun to take off her diaper and clothes before bath, put her back down, and watch her scamper off.

    October wasn't a fun month. Uma closed out September with some heavy teething. She started October with a stomach bug that plagued her for over a week, with a couple of rather unpleasant days in there. That segued into a few more days of teething, which got her all prepped for allergy season. She's had a constant runny nose for the last couple of weeks. Then Daylight Savings Time came along to throw off her schedule. She's doing ok, though. At least now she'll let us wipe her nose because she knows she'll feel better, even if she finds the wiping itself distinctly unpleasant. She's still sleeping pretty well, though I wish we could convince her to push back the 6:30 wake-up call.

    Her vocabulary continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Uma's diction is still where it was a month or so back. She knows at least 20 words that start with B, but says them all baow (except bus, which she can say perfectly). She knows at least 10 words starting with S, but says all of those say oh. On comprehension, she's even better; she's blown past the toddler classics like cat and car and moved into more esoteric words like newspaper, dining room, and pomegranate. A favorite recent acquisition is ice, which she also says perfectly.

    I'm pretty sure Uma's put on a few pounds in the last week. She feels heavier. Our scale's precision isn't quite enough to tell for sure, though she sure likes standing on it. With other kids her age, she seems tall, too; I've seen few her age taller, and many are shorter. Tall and slim is not a bad place to be.

    This week, we're graduating Uma from the high chair to a booster chair at the grown-ups' table. It's kind of messy, but she's getting the hang of it.

    Remember how I claimed a long long time ago that Uma's canines were just about to pop? Girl, was I wrong. The bottom ones have only just come in with the most recent round of teething. The top ones are still hiding, but I expect they'll be along soon enough, as Uma's teeth have tended to come in together.

    You may have noticed some minor technical problems with the site. Hopefully, those will be squared away in the not-too-distant future; it's out of my hands.



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