Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Thursday, December 21, 2006
    two by two
    Uma has started saying two word phrases. I have been fetching her in the morning, when I often hear "fa (find) mama." She likes to tell us of the dogs' doings with "ma-ee guh-ger (Molly good girl)" and "say ba-arr (Sadie backyard)." One of her general purpose words is "nganga," which she uses for words she knows but can't say, like "hat." The other day she asked for her "fa nganga (fish hat)," which she likes to wear in the bath. She's also asked to "fa vvvvvv (truck)," and this morning she said "vvvvvv bah-bah" after the recycling truck went by. Apparently, these two-word phrases represent an important developmental milestone, so yeah, Uma's developing.



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