Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Wednesday, January 17, 2007
    another first
    Uma stumbled and fell off a stool this morning, earning her First Bloody Nose. She was kind of upset, understandably, but now she's happily chasing around her alligator, which had been in retirement until coming back for the special occasion of Bloody Nose After Three Days Stuck At Home. She also bit her lips a bit.

    Speaking of biting lips, Uma's upper two canines are finally coming in. The left one is sticking out pretty far, while the right one is just barely peeking out. Next up: two year molars. Those will be fun.



    • At 2:06 PM, Blogger Aaji said…

      Poor UmaUma! Hope her nose is not hurting.

    • At 9:20 AM, Blogger Amanda said…

      Glad Uma recovered well. I'll bet that bloody nose hurt her mama and daddy more than it hurt her. :-)


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