Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Thursday, January 25, 2007
    blue is the color
    I've been trying to teach Uma the names of colors off and on. Sometimes it seems she gets it, other times not so much. She has somehow fastened on to blue as the color of everything. She'll get a yellow ball and say "bvvvv bah," and I'll correct her, so she'll say "yeyo bah." Then she'll forget it and call it "bvvvv bah." Same for the red shirt she was wearing today. It was "bvvvv," I told her it was red, she called it a "wye" shirt briefly, and then it was "bvvvv" again. At least her pants today were blue, as was her diaper (also, all diapers are wet diapers, or "wye dayo," even poopy or clean ones). The best was when I told her the ball was red, and she told me it was a "wye bvvvv bah" (red blue ball). I'll keep working on it.



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