Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Friday, January 26, 2007
    Uma and I have settled on an evening routine after I come home from work, and she has her bath. Well, she has settled on the routine. We go into the master bedroom, where I sit against one wall and "foe" a "bvvvv bah" against the other wall. Uma wanders around. Sometimes, Uma will run around me in circles, or pick up tiny specks of dirt and carry them off to the "gar" (bage). After a few minutes, she insists I move away from the wall, and she pushes on my back. I'm to fall forward giggling girlishly each time she does. The throwing must continue. After a few minutes of this, she makes me "yie" down and climbs all over me; she likes to stand on my stomach (it's a good thing she's only 22 lbs). Then I'm supposed to throw the ball at the ceiling for a while, followed by making her puma "fie" (fly). We've done this pretty much every evening for a week.


    • At 9:14 AM, Blogger Jeanie said…

      Heh. I'm curious what you sound like when you giggle girlishly.

    • At 2:52 PM, Blogger Amir said…

      I'm sure it's just his normal laugh.


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