Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Sunday, January 21, 2007
    the ultimate compliment
    Uma likes to call herself a good girl. Often her reasons for doing so are a little confusing to us. For example, when she's upset with something (usually some torture or indignity we're inflicting on her), as she's crying, she'll sob out a "Goo ger. Nay," ("nay" = "yay").

    She'll also say it for things in which lesser individuals would be unable to find celebration or validation, such as selecting a diaper cover (this morning), convincing us to turn on the music, or putting a book in her stroller. What's especially funny (to me) is that she usually says it in a completely stoic monotone, like she's channeling her sullen teenaged self from 11 years in the future. "Go ger. Nay."

    Yesterday, as I was changing her diaper, she told me she was a good girl. Then she said Molly was a good girl. Then she said Sadie was a good girl. Finally, in what will surely rank as one of the most touching moments of my life, something that brought a quiver to my lip and tears to my eyes, she said, "Goo ger. Dada."



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