Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Monday, January 01, 2007
    Uma Update
    Over the past couple of weeks, Uma has started to engage in pretend play. Sometimes she will sit one of her stuffed animals next to her when she's eating and pretend to feed it by holding a bite of food up to its mouth and saying, "num num" before popping the food in her mouth. She also pretends to talk Grandma on a toy telephone. She holds the phone up to her ear and say, "Gow [her current word for Grandma], uh-huh, uh-huh..." followed by a stream of babble.

    Uma has also taken an interest in fashion. Most mornings she insists on picking out her own clothes. Usually if I give her two options to choose from, she's satisfied. This morning, however, she rejected four pairs of pants before she found ones that she liked. Later we narrowly missed a show down over which jacket she would wear on our walk. Since it was cold out, I wanted her to wear her heavy jacket. A light corduroy jacket, however, was more to her liking. Finally we reached a compromise: she would wear her corduroy jacket underneath the heavier jacket.



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