Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Tuesday, February 13, 2007
    tick talk
    Uma's made another jump in her ability to communicate over the last month or so. She's a lot better at emulating sounds, so I've taught her to say "Daddy" instead of "Dada" and "Mommy" instead of "Mama." I emphasised the second syllable so she'd know I was saying something different, but that means she says "DadDEE" and "MomMEE." She also said "Aaji" and "Atya," though "Ajoba" still gives her trouble. She can also put three words together, like "lie down bed."

    She's also started saying her own name. Somehow a bare "oo" gives her trouble, so she ends up saying it "ngeh," but it's definitely her name. She'll point at my water glass and say "dada wawa" and then at her own and say "ngeh wawa." I'm not sure why she can't say "oo," as she can say "poo." On the other hand, she can't put "poo" with "ma" to say "puma;" instead, it comes out "pi-yo." I guess there need be no reason beyond that she is not even 2 yet.

    A long time ago, I would see little kids speaking incomprehensibly and marvel at their parents' ability to understand them. That's us now, though. I mean, if you heard "ngeh yie die," would you have a clue that it meant "Uma lie down?" That doesn't even get into the 15 definitions of "nganga."

    I think Uma's learned "no." Here comes trouble... At least she's learning "yes," too, which she says the way she heard Mommy do it once: "YAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSS."

    I taught her how to goose step. She only does it with one leg, which I guess makes it pretty similar to her stomp dance from last fall. She also marches quite happily. Uma can almost jump. I think I saw her toes leave the floor a couple times this morning. She likes the idea a lot. Another idea she likes is pee pee on the potty. She hasn't actually done it, but she enjoys sitting on the potty and saying "pee pee."



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