Uma Watch Day 7117: Now with even more.
  • Friday, April 06, 2007
    Feeding an Almost-Two-Year-Old
    Uma loves yogurt. Her favorite is Stonyfield Farm's Yo Baby yogurt, which she's been eating happily for about a year now. Lately she's been paying a lot of attention to the packaging. Each flavor has a picture of a different baby or toddler on the carton, and Uma has developed strong preferences for some of the children. For example, she takes great delight in looking at Bridget, the baby on the blueberry yogurt carton, and will happily gobble up the yogurt inside. If I whip out the apple yogurt, however, she won't eat it because she just does not like Izabella, the little girl featured on that carton. So, to get Uma to eat the apple yogurt, I save the empty Bridget cups and spoon the apple yogurt in them. It works every time.

    Another thing I've learned: food tastes better to Uma on a blue fork.



    • At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      That is so funny! - Jeanie


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