Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Tuesday, June 26, 2007
    A day in the life
    It's been a while since I mentioned what Uma's daily schedule is like. It's a lot different from the last time I described it, when she was 8 months old.

    These days, she wakes up between 7:30 and 8:00 in the morning (my lazy bones hope for the latter). I go and get her when her murmuring of "Daddy" becomes yelling of "Daddy;" Mommy's usually out walking the dogs then. Uma and I play for a little while, she "helps" me start breakfast, and I post those lovely pictures and sometimes some pithy words. We have breakfast between 8:30 and 9. After that, Uma gets to entertain herself while we get ready for the day. Most mornings, Uma and Mommy go off to do various things. Tuesday is play group, Wednesday is the day to visit Grandma, and Thursday is music class. On Saturdays, Uma and I go to the grocery store while Mommy takes a well-deserved break. Uma usually starts her lunch between 11:30 and noon, and then has her nap shortly thereafter. She sleeps about 1½ - 2 hours.

    After Uma wakes up, she gets a little snack, often a mixture of goldfish crackers (whole wheat!) and Pirate's Booty. On Tuesdays, Uma and Mommy go to the grocery store; on Wednesdays, they go visit Great-Grandma, Grandma's garden, or just hang around Grandma's house. Sunday afternoons are reserved for visiting Aaji and Ajoba.

    On weekdays, I usually get home around 6:30pm, and we have a family dinner together. We adjusted our schedule a few months ago to eat with Uma instead of after she goes to bed, except on Sundays, when Uma eats dinner at Aaji and Ajoba's house. After dinner comes her bath, lately featuring lots and lots of bubbles. After Uma has splashed water out of the tub one too many times, we whisk her out, dry her off, and dress her in her jammies. Then it's time for three stories ("One more!" "No, Uma, that was the last one."), wiping Uma's dry nose repeatedly (a stalling tactic), and then it's lights out. That's usually between 8pm and 8:30pm. After that, it's blissful tranquility for 11½ hours until the next morning, when we do it all again. It's been a long time since Uma has woken up in the night, thankfully (knock wood).



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