Uma Watch Day 7136: Now with even more.
  • Saturday, August 16, 2008
    Material Girl
    Uma has taken a fancy to a Buddhist temple near our house. Everytime we drive by it, she points it out and comments on it. She likes the dragons on the roof and the statues and red lanterns that decorate the courtyard in front. Recently she asked me about the purpose of the temple.

    "It's where people go to learn about what a wise man named Buddha had to say," I told her.

    "What did Buddha have to say?"

    "He taught people how to live better lives."


    I decided to take a stab at explaining the idea that desire is the root of all suffering. I thought Uma would best understand it in terms of material goods.

    "One thing he taught people was that stuff does not make them happy. People think buying and getting new things will make them happy, but it really doesn't."

    Uma interupted me here. "Well, it make me happy, Mommy. I like getting stuff."

    I think it will be awhile before Uma reaches a state of enlightenment.


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