Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Saturday, September 06, 2008
    Tags, mixes, and flies
    At some point in the last two months, Uma's stuffed toys with tags became bestiae non gratae to her. She refused to have anything to do with animals with tags. We've been incrementally clipping them to get them back in her good graces.

    Her latest food obsession is snack mixes. It can be pretzels, some kind of trail mix, or whatever, as long as it's a "mix." Maybe we should try a veggie mix.

    Somehow I've gotten myself into the situation where I have to give Uma 5 "flies" when I come home from work. That involves throwing her up into the air (without completely letting go). She's not as small as she was last time I got stuck doing this. 5 times is about as many as I can manage. It's actually more than 5, because each cycle has a few half flies before she goes all the way, and the last one is actually 3. I'm just saying. I might be getting stronger.

    We were a little concerned that she'd be unhappy about Kieran getting the crib, but we have yet to hear a word. It's been 2 months now since she moved into the big girl bed, and I think she's finally adapted (fingers crossed).



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