Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Sunday, May 10, 2009
    Annual Review
    Uma had her yearly checkup this week. Everything was fine with her, at least until she got five (5) shots (DTaP, Polio, MMR, Hep A, and Chicken Pox) in a row. She did her best, and only fell apart after it was all over, which was completely justified, and all we wanted. A few stickers and a lollipop did a lot to lift her spirits, though one leg was sore for a couple of days. Uma also got her first vision test and second hearing test, which were fine. Number-wise, she's up to 41" tall (75th percentile) and 34 lbs (45th percentile), which gives her a very slim BMI of 14.2 (15th percentile). They don't measure head circumference anymore, but maybe I can.



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