Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Sunday, May 03, 2009
    Send out the clowns
    Uma has been against, for, and then indifferent to clowns. As we learned yesterday, she's now back to against. Very, very against. We attended some family fun thing yesterday. There was a petting zoo, inflatable bouncey things, rock climbing, and all manner of other activities. And clowns. There were clowns. Any time Uma caught sight of a clown, we had to turn around or make a wide detour. She'd be happy and relaxed, but would lock up in a panic and yank my hand to go the other way. Oh, and no Clifford the Big Red Dog, either.

    Uncle Graham: "Look, Uma, there's Clifford the Big Red Dog."
    Uma: "That's not Clifford. That's a person wearing a costume."

    Even so, Clifford provoked almost as strong a reaction. She didn't want to go anywhere near him. I'll have to remember for her birthday next year. No clowns. No Clifford.



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