Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Wednesday, November 11, 2009
    Like socks in the dryer
    The formation and dissolution of Uma's preschool friendships happens at a bewildering rate. To her, playing with another child that day means they are friends. If a friend plays with someone else and doesn't invite her to play, or in some cases does not play exclusively with her, they are not friends anymore. She doesn't seem to get the idea of initiating play with other kids; she waits to be invited. It's only 2 months in, so hopefully she'll get more self-assured.

    Overall, she's settled in well to preschool. She had her first sick day yesterday with a brief cold-like illness (not a cold though, since she had definite fever). She missed one other day because the morning routine was off. That was when I brought her to school instead of Mommy. It was too much of a change for her to handle. She almost needed to come home one other day when the class was already outside on the playground instead of in the room like she'd gotten used to. Uma definitely likes consistency.



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