Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Wednesday, November 30, 2005

    I don't know who you are, but keep lifting me up and it won't matter.

  • This is an unusual toy...
  • Tuesday, November 29, 2005

    No, no, Watson. I think it's quite clear from the position of the bear what happened here.

  • I look at you, and I know what you're thinking. You want my bear. Well, let me tell you something. You just try it. Bring it on. No? Y'ain't tough enough? I didn't think so. See, this here's my bear, and you ain't gonna be the one that takes it from me. Run along now. I gots business to transact.
  • Monday, November 28, 2005

    The Puma pounces.

  • Sick but happy (for the moment) on Thanksgiving Day.
  • Sunday, November 27, 2005

    Is it green or yellow next? Mommy, do you know?
  • Saturday, November 26, 2005

    Backstage at the fashion show.
  • Friday, November 25, 2005
    on the mend
    Thanksgiving Day was a tough day. Uma slept a half hour in the morning and a half hour in her stroller before we went to Aaji and Ajoba's for Thanksgiving. Later, she slept another half hour in her stroller, but for a girl who was used to 3-4 hours of naps per day, who'd had too little sleep the previous night (and low-quality sleep at that), and who was sick, it was just not a good day. All the way home, she was on the brink, but we managed to hold off catastrophe with stirring duets of "She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain;" "Twinkle, Twinkle;" and "Jingle Bells."

    Uma's bath was, as always, a high point of the day, but when it came time to go to bed, it was another tough situation. She finally went down at 7:30pm after some heavy duty soothing, and we mentally prepared ourselves for a long, tough night. And waited. And waited. And waited. This girl slept clear through to 2:50am, when she woke up to nurse. Then she went back to sleep until this morning. That was quite the relief. She's much better today. Her breathing is easier, her nose is running a trickle where it used to run a gush, and her fever has passed. A sick baby is a sad sad thing, but it looks like we're out of the woods.


  • All bundled up for her walk.

    I feel the need.... the need for speed.
  • Thursday, November 24, 2005
    sick baby update
    So, Uma had kind of a tough time last night, but not as bad as I feared. She woke up (after falling asleep at 7pm) at 7:45pm, 9:15pm, 10:30pm. Then she slept until 1:50am, at which point she was up and down, only falling asleep for real at 4:40am. Then she slept until 6:50am, which isn't too far from her normal wake-up time. She's been surprisingly free of distress or confusion. Her nose is runny and stuffed, she has a mild fever, and she may have a sore throat, but the only effect on her disposition appears to be from fatigue. She's a trooper, this one.


  • Ok, I've got my keys... where's my car?

    Bouncy bouncy bouncy!
  • Wednesday, November 23, 2005
    my first cold
    It looks like the Puma has been attacked by the cold that I am just now recovering from. She has had a runny nose all afternoon and has been having breathing problems. She's also running a mild fever. This isn't the first time she's been sick, of course; that honor goes to the awful bladder infection of July. It is, however, only the second time. We don't know what to expect. So far, she's been a trooper. I just hope she can sleep and recover fast. Mommy's making antibodies as fast as she can.


  • I like my fancy clothes.

    All dressed up.
  • Tuesday, November 22, 2005
    Add pear sauce to the list of foods Uma has eaten, after rice cereal, banana, and baked sweet potato.


  • I like the grocery.

    Disagreements about who is in charge of the spoon are frequent.
  • Monday, November 21, 2005

    Our little rascal.

  • Well, maybe you're ok after all...
    more technical difficulties
    Having more technical difficulties this morning, and since Daddy's sort of broken as well, doing things the hard way may take a while. Sorry.

    EDIT: Oh fate, how thou dost torture me... Literally a minute after posting this, things started working again.


  • Sunday, November 20, 2005

    Hey! You're the one who took my feet!
  • Saturday, November 19, 2005

    Thirsty girl.

    Mmmm..... that was refreshing.
  • Friday, November 18, 2005

    Going for a walk with Ajoba.

  • This couch is too big.
  • Thursday, November 17, 2005

    Jewelry is yummy stuff.

  • This girl has some wild hair.
  • Wednesday, November 16, 2005

    Mirror mirror, on the wall, who's the cutest baby of them all?
  • Tuesday, November 15, 2005
    Pin Up Girl
    You may have already noticed this, but Uma really seems to love to pose for the camera. When I was playing with her the other day, she was mauling her duck until she caught sight of the camera. She promptly stopped the duck abuse, stared at the camera until the flash went off, and then returned to her play. It was really very cute.


  • giggle snort
    Uma snorts when she laughs sometimes.


    an upgrade
    We decided to spring for a new, fancy camera to reward all of Uma Puma's loyal visitors with brighter, crisper, and just plain better pictures. It's also tiny, so we'll be more likely to take pictures in more interesting settings. And, of course, this means higher quality prints for Uma Puma 2 Go (our recently introduced portable product).


    This bear is mine, Daddy. No poaching.

    I have a blue ring.
  • Monday, November 14, 2005

    I'm driving!

  • Check it out: I can whack things!
  • Sunday, November 13, 2005
    lucky seven
    It's hard to believe, but today marks seven months since Uma was born.


  • The puma shows her teeth. Well, one tooth, at least, and you have to look really closely.
  • Saturday, November 12, 2005

    I like rings.
  • Friday, November 11, 2005
    It turns out I was wrong about Uma's tooth. She actually has two teeth coming in, they being the central incisors on her bottom jaw. We're hoping those teeth coming in is the cause of her recent nighttime distress. Two wakings is a lot; it makes us grateful for the nights she wakes up only once, and positively giddy at the thought of going back to sleeping through the night.


  • You'd better have a good reason for leaving me here.

    A cat as a hat.
  • Thursday, November 10, 2005

    I'm flying!

  • Now I match Aaji.
  • Wednesday, November 09, 2005

    I'm told I'm an Indian baby, so I'll dress like one. This once.

  • Ajoba and I match.
  • Tuesday, November 08, 2005

    Suburban sprawl.

  • A giraffe hat.
  • Monday, November 07, 2005
    and that's the tooth
    Uma's been waking up twice per night these last three nights. That's trying, I tell you what. We're hoping it's due to her new tooth, which is now barely visible. Last night, we skipped a step in her pre-bed routine and instead had some active play time. Big mistake. She was very wired when bedtime came. It took a lot of determined soothing and coaxing to calm her enough that she could fall asleep.

    One thing I forgot to mention in the last update is how she's been experimenting with her tongue. She'll stick it straight out, touch her upper lip with its tip, suck her upper lip, chew on her lower lip, etc. Uma doesn't seem to know that it's the same thing as us sticking our tongues out, though, as she doesn't respond in kind when we do it. She still likes to watch it, though.

    Her sitting up has gotten much better over the last week. We've stopped using support; now we mainly aim to be a safety net. She really likes sitting on our clothes dresser in front of the big mirror. It's a hard, flat surface where she can sit and play very stably for a while. She'll also go on the floor for a long time, since she has an large variety of toys to play with. The new favorite is the ring stack, although her duck and bear are still cherished, and the plastic keys are making strong gains.

    In food-related news, the solids are proceeding slowly. It's not super-hard, but it's not easy, either. We're going to try more frequent, smaller feedings in a more regular pattern. It may be that we haven't hit on a food that she really likes, either. We've been pretty conservative so far, with only bananas and rice cereal. Sweet potato is on deck for the week. On a related note, those solid food poopies are something else. I'll leave it at that so that Uma still talks to me when she's older.

  • Yeah, um, you can keep that food to yourself. All I need is my thumb.

    Check out my yoga skillz.
  • Sunday, November 06, 2005

    Life is good.
  • Saturday, November 05, 2005

    Couldn't they have gotten me cooler sunglasses?
  • Friday, November 04, 2005
    another update... now with words!
    Uma's sitting up has gotten a lot better in the last few weeks. We've been trying to strengthen her abilities in that regard. She can now sit up pretty stably for a while, especially on hard surfaces, although sometimes she'll topple to the side, and she doesn't seem to realize that arching her back will make her fall over. She's quite the fan of the bucking bronco dance, whether she's sitting, lying down, or being held. As such, we don't let her sit unattended, either having her sit with one of us or supported by her Boppy.

    On shot day, she got all the vitals measured again. She's about 16lbs., which is not much more than before, but she's lengthened to 27". At her previous appointment, she was 75th percentile for both height and weight; now, she's only 50th percentile for weight, but she's 90th percentile for height. She's grown 7" since she was born. If she sustains her current rate of growth, and there's no reason to think she won't, she'll be 12 feet tall on her 10th birthday. Her head circumference is also something like 90th percentile, which was also the case last time. She needs to have room for all that brain so she can figure out (among other things) how to free her ladybug from the play gym.

    We also discovered this morning that she has a tooth coming in. It hasn't broken through, being just a bump in her lower gum, but it's coming. Enjoy her gummy smiles, because they won't last. Our baby's growing up (*sniff*).


  • I'm flying!

    I'm sitting!
  • Thursday, November 03, 2005

    Happy birthday, dear Great-grandma..... happy birthday to yoooooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!

  • Hanging out in Kerrville, the furthest from home Uma has ever been.
  • Wednesday, November 02, 2005

    Wow, I can see all kinds of cool stuff from up here!

  • I wanna go hooooooooome!
  • Tuesday, November 01, 2005

    Socks are not just for feet, socks are also good to eat.

  • Four Generations: The Sequel.