Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006a sense of h-uma-rUma has discovered the joy of playing pranks on Mommy. Sometimes when I'm feeding her, she will suddenly bite down on the spoon as I start to remove it from her mouth. Then she will laugh and laugh with the bowl of the spoon still clamped tightly between her teeth. It really cracks her up.
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006giggle shriekWhen Uma's really excited and having a good time (such as when dancing to "Choo Choo Boogaloo" or when someone blows on her forehead), she'll start doing this really high pitched giggle. It's high-pitched like a shriek, but with the rat-a-tat percussive punctuation of a giggle. She's a funny girl.
Yesterday, Uma learned how to wave. She is a little awkward and hesitant, and she only does it to Mommy in the mirror, but she's definitely waving. Maybe she'll greet you with a wave in a few weeks.Labels: words
Monday, January 23, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006choppersThis morning, I discovered that Uma's two top front teeth have poked through her gums. They must have been coming along for a while, as they're visible. Our little girl is growing up so fast...
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006sing-a-longToday Uma sang along in our music class. Everytime the music started, she squealed and shrieked happily and loudly. So loudly, in fact, that it sounded like she was singing lead.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006banana finger foodsThis afternoon, Jessica tried to get Uma to eat pieces of banana rolled in oats as a finger food. Uma picked up a piece, squished it in her hand, and then yelled angrily. Mommy had to take away all of the pieces of banana after that. We don't know why she does these things.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Monday, January 16, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Friday, January 13, 20069 monthsToday is Uma's 3/4 birthday. We celebrated by taking her to the pediatrician and sticking a needle in her finger (standard anemia test). She's looking fine, as we knew, though the doctor exhorted us to try to feed her more solids, as Uma eats maybe half the amount they recommend for this age. She weighed in at 17 lbs, 11 oz, fully clothed, so probably about 17 even. That's good for something like 30th percentile. She's 28" long, which is 75th percentile. And her head has circumference, but I don't recall the numbers.
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Thursday, January 12, 2006Do Re MiToday Uma and I went to our first Heartsong Music class. We had a great time! There was singing, clapping, the stomping of feet, dancing, and the playing of instruments. Uma shook and banged a tambourine, bells, percussion sticks, and a drum. At the end of class, she even got a chance to strum the teacher's guitar during "The Goodbye Song." As much as she liked the music, her favorite part seemed to be gawking at the older kids dance and scoot around. I've never seen her so transfixed.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006wonder of wondersLast night, Uma only woke up once. Not "woke up multiple times and needed intervention only once," but woke up only once*. It meant she woke up for the day at 7am, but that's ok if she's going to sleep like that.
* Meaning she was noisy enough that we knew about it.
In food news, Uma's been less interested in solids lately. She's had a few digestive problems over the last week or two, so maybe that's the cause. We're not concerned. She still really likes her pear sauce. We've added carrots, avocado, and peaches to her diet as well, with mixed results. Still, she's made up for less solids with more interest in nursing, so overall, it's not an issue.Labels: words
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Friday, January 06, 2006Simon saysThe Puma Bear showed us how well she can imitate people this past weekend. Ajoba fake coughed, catching the Puma's interest. She watched him as he fake coughed a few more times, and then delivered a little cough of her own. Ajoba fake coughed again and Uma obligingly imitated him again -- showing us the first cough wasn't a fluke. It was almost as if she was challenging Ajoba: "Anything you can do, I can do too." It was very amusing.
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Thursday, January 05, 2006
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Monday, January 02, 2006
Sunday, January 01, 2006

I can't believe they dragged me furniture shopping. At least I can find solace in sucking on this tag.
recent events
This weekend, Uma had a couple special events. On Sunday, Uma had her very first play date with her new friend Evie. To my surprise, they actually (sort of) played together and interacted, rather than just playing near each other. Uma's much more tolerant of another child taking her things away than she is of her mean parents doing the same. Evie is three months older and moving all over the place, which was pretty interesting to Uma. She got along well with Evie's parents as well. On Monday, Uma got an extra special extended play time with Aaji while Mommy and Daddy painted the living room. I'd look in on her every 15 minutes or so, and she would look over at me, screw up her face in a smile, and let out a happy sigh. She likes her Daddy (*blush*).Uma's graduated to even more foods. She's learning about Cheerios. They were confusing at first. She's very good at putting non-food items in her mouth, but had to be taught what Cheerios were for. In the 5 or so days that we've been giving them to her, she's gotten increasingly good at picking them up, putting them in her mouth, and chewing them up. It also keeps her patient and stimulated while we get her and our meals together, which reduces the stress level considerably. We've also started giving her fruit-flavored yogurt, which she much prefers to the plain style. A recent addition of prunes mixed with her oatmeal has been helping with Uma's digestion. She's definitely a happier baby as a result.
The last day or so, she's had a bit of a sniffle. Hopefully, that's just a mild bug; the stuffy nose makes her wake up frequently at night. For example, last night, she never really fell asleep from 1:30am until a little after 3:30am, which was less than ideal. Her morning nap was also abbreviated for the same reason. It's not a big deal, but she doesn't know how to cope. She screams bloody murder when we try a saline spray in her nose (to loosen stuff) or the bulb syringe (to suck stuff out). If only we could teach her how to blow her nose...
In spite of Evie's example, Uma is apparently nowhere near to moving on her own, not counting her rolling over, which can be surprisingly quick. That's just fine by us; we've seen enough mobile babies to know that's an extra order of difficulty. Instead of developing that skill, she has been focusing on her fine motor control. Her sitting continues to be very stable, as is her back strength; we haven't had to support her or carry her with both hands for months. She's working on her babbling as well, but hasn't added any new sounds. She also has a pretty remarkable attention span when it comes to playing. We don't generally have to do much beyond being present, but as long as someone is there with her, she can often play happily for a half hour or even more. We figure that's part of the reason she hasn't gotten moving, as she can be pretty content remaining in one place. I'm pretty sure, however, that once she does start moving, she'll be unstoppable.
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Uma's known for a long time how to make noise with her mouth open: aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa! She also has known how to make noise with her mouth closed: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm. Just a few days ago, she discovered that, when she alternated the two, it sounded pretty neat. "Nananananananana." "Bababababababa." Etc. She's far from talking, but it sounds a lot more like talking than what she was doing last week. She's still experimenting with different noises, too. This morning, we were treated with both "yuh" and something akin to the sound a Canada goose might make under torture. Right now, she's yelping in her crib, waiting for sleep to come. She's a funny girl, this one.UPDATE: well, that time she wasn't content to wait for sleep. Daddy had to go in and hurry it along with some rocking, singing, and back-patting.
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