Friday, March 31, 2006Uma at the grocerySpecial Friday Bonus Bouncy Video, an Uma Puma first. Lower quality (Quicktime 1MB) and higher quality (Quicktime 4MB).
The girl likes her cheese.
She also likes... whatever that thing is. -
Thursday, March 30, 2006ma ma maWe think Uma's getting an idea about words. Specifically, "mama." Sometimes it's "ma ma ma." Or "ma ma ma ma ma ma ma." It can pop out when she sees Jessica. It also pops out when she sees a picture of her. She babbles it happily as she races across the floor towards her. On the other hand, sometimes she babbles it when Jessica isn't around, too. Maybe she just likes saying it because it makes her think of Mommy. Who knows what's going on in there. Still, though she's not consistent and reliable, she's too consistent and reliable for it to be a fluke. Attempts to teach her "dada" have been a miserable failure. She'll probably say "Molly" before she does that. It's ok. I can cope.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006sleep contradictionsSometimes, Uma will wake up just from her door opening, or due to us speaking quietly in the adjacent office. Other times, though, she'll sleep through barking dogs and (like this morning) thunderstorms that rattle and shake the house. We think she's messing with us.
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006vanityUma was watching me flip through the pictures to choose ones to post this morning. She waved at the nice little girl on the screen. When I switched to my web browser, which had no pictures of that nice little girl, she let me know her displeasure. I flipped back to the photos, and she was happy.
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Thursday, March 23, 2006smarty smarty smart pantsThis morning, I taught Uma to slap her hand down when I said "whack." She still remembered it in the evening. I also taught her (again) to bounce when I said "bouncey." She picked them both up fast.
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006don't do that!Last night, I had to pull Uma away from the fireplace. She was biting it.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006what uma knowsUma knows that flipping the switch in her room turns on the fan. She knows that shaking her head conveys that she doesn't want something (I have no clue how she learned that). She knows that she doesn't know how to let herself down when she's standing supported by the wall, and cries for help when she wants down. She knows that pressing the button on the wall in the garage makes the doors open. She knows that her O's come in the big yellow box. She knows that when I pick her up during naked time, it's time for bed (and protesting). She knows that when she has a toy in the hand that I need to put through her sleeve to transfer it to the other hand (or her mouth). She knows that when Mommy finishes her cranberry juice, she gets the straw.
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006other weird stuffUma has really latched on to waving. She'll wave at the dogs, at herself in the mirror, and at nothing at all. She'll wave back at you, too, but usually waits until about 15 seconds after you have stopped, and perhaps have departed.
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Monday, March 13, 200611 monthsI can't believe I almost forgot the 11 month day. At this rate, I'm sure I'm going to totally space on the 12 month day.
Uma has only been crawling for two weeks, but she's gotten fast. She's especially fast when she's got Molly (one of the dogs) in her sights. No doubt Molly will learn to fear Uma's shriek of delight at spotting her. She occasionally sticks her right leg out the way she did when she first started, but more and more she's on both knees. Also, she can pull now herself up onto her knees, or from another, supported position up to a full stand.
The weekend wasn't such a fun one. She woke up every hour or so at night on Saturday, woke up early (6:30 am, ugh) on Sunday, and didn't nap nearly as much as she needed. Sunday night, she woke up at one point screaming mad, about as angry as I've seen her, and took nearly an hour to fall back asleep. She's had a bit of a runny nose, but she's had worse. She had no fever, so she didn't have a cold. Her unhappiness was definitely from some external cause; rarely as she been so hard to console. We suspected teething, and a brief (anger-multiplying) poke in her mouth found a bump in the back lower left. We gave her infant Tylenol and managed to get her back to sleep eventually. She woke up only once more that night and fell back asleep quickly after nursing. Today, she was much happier, taking long naps to catch up on sleep and generally being back to her normal self, runny nose excepted.
One thing we weren't prepared for with Uma was just how bizarre and funny and interesting she would be. There's the crazy grin as she chases Molly. There's the tacit deal we've worked out where Uma won't allow us to spoon feed her unless we give her a toy (and it has to be a good one, too). We've been trying to teach her "Mama," which she often repeats and sometimes seems to understand, but on occasion has responded to with "bvvaa." There's the way she bounces and shrieks in the grocery cart for no apparent reason, or how she absolutely, positively must have that bag of cheese. She likes to dangle out the side of the stroller. Uma has a crush on a 14-month old in her music class. She makes weird noises when she's falling asleep or waking up that make us intensely curious just what she's doing in there. This is just a sample of the strange and bizarre behaviors we experience with our Little Miss. It's possible that your baby may be different.Labels: words
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Thursday, March 02, 2006moving forwardUma's crawling ability is advancing rapidly. She crawled about 8 feet to get at Molly's tail, and would have crawled more had Molly been further away (aside: the look of sheer joy on her face as she realized she'd be able to eat Molly's tail was priceless [not that we let her]). She's a little awkward and a little clumsy, but she definitely knows what she's doing. She still only does it for things she really wants, like the aforementioned glasses or tail, but that inhibition probably only has a day or two left.
Uma may be awkward with crawling, but she's gotten very agile with rolling and sitting up. To get from point A to point B, she does some combination of crawling, rolling, sitting up, and going back down to wend her circuitous path. She's usually sitting up when we go in to get her after sleeping. We've also had to drop her mattress a couple of inches because the added height makes it really easy for her to grab her mobile.
Less exciting is Uma's increased resistance to being fed with a spoon. She eats finger foods, but she is slow and can only eat some of her foods that way. Broccoli, green beans, and pears are fine, but the skins of peas are a choking hazard. We've been pureeing those foods for her, but she's nowhere near feeding herself with a spoon. She can't live on cheese, waffles, and Morning-O's™, after all. In spite of that, she still managed to sleep through the night. I'm going to stop noting these nights until something substantial changes.
Something you might have noticed in recent pictures is that Uma smiles at the camera a lot. Often, just seeing it makes her smile. The girl sees that camera a lot, so it's nice that it makes her happy.Labels: words
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Come on, Mommy. Let's get a move on.

I'm going to reserve judgment on this walk for now.

Verdict's in: hooray!