Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006eight is enoughI'm not completely sure, but I think Uma has an eighth incoming tooth. It's her lower left canine, next to her budding medial incisor. From in front, there's a definite bump there causing the gum to rise up. It looks red and swollen, making me think that this tooth is the cause of her recent distress rather than the nearly-exposed premolar I discovered last week that you can see in one of this morning's pictures. Poor girl has had a rough time of it. With 8 teeth coming in at once, she needs a break.
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Monday, May 29, 2006a sense of directionI don't know how she does it, but Uma can tell when we've turned onto our street. Besides her age, the reason this is remarkable is that her car seat still faces backward. She can't see forward, and yet, invariably she makes happy noises as soon as the car comes around the corner.
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Sunday, May 28, 2006Smart girlThe Puma Bear is incredibly smart, and I'm not just saying that because I'm biased. She's picking up words very quickly and today, we only had to tell her once what something was and then we'd say, "Show us your apple, Uma," and she would. And then we'd ask her to give us the bangle (which she saw for the first time today) and she knew exactly what we were talking about.
One of Uma's big accomplishments today was putting a lid back on a tupperware container. Uma loves tupperware containers and today, she sat very quietly and was very focused on putting the lid back on the container. She knew if she just kept pressing down on it, eventually she'd get it to stay. At any rate, this incident demonstrates that even at this age, she's very focused on her goals!Labels: words
Saturday, May 27, 2006mollyThis evening, after spotting Molly (our dog) on the other side of the baby gate, Uma distinctly said her name. There was no question she said "Molly," and she knew it. Uma practically shouted it out over and over. It's not an easy name to say, but she nailed it.
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Friday, May 26, 2006unbelievableThis morning, I discovered another incoming tooth. This one's also on Uma's left side, on the bottom, a bit further back. That makes six teeth all coming in at once. Our little girl is going to go from 4 teeth to 10 in just a couple months.
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006walk and rollYesterday morning, Uma used our (very light IKEA) coffee table for support and walked over 3 feet. She's a long way from walking unsupported, but she can cruise along furniture now. I don't think she quite realizes she can do it, though, because she tends to only do it for a foot or two.
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Monday, May 22, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006uma's wordsUma understands at least the following words:
- bedtime - makes her cry
- Bridee - her doll
- butterfly - she has one flying over her changing table now
- clap
- dance
- duck - she has a lot of ducks
- five - as in "high/low"
- flower
- foot
- girl - which she can also say
- grandma - which she can sort of say
- kissy-feet - like clapping, but with feet
- lobster
- mama - of course
- Molly - the dog
- nose
- notforplaying - doesn't mean she listens, though
- o's - the food
- star
- uh oh - after (or sometimes just before) dropping something
- up - as in "I'm going to pick you"
- Uma - of course
- wave
- whack
This morning, I taught her the name of her stuffed puma. We'll see if she remembers tonight. One day, maybe she will learn "Daddy."Labels: words
Wednesday, May 17, 2006Meals with UmaNow that she's a year old, Uma eats just table food--no baby food for her anymore. She eats pretty much everything we do, even spicy foods. The only thing she doesn't like is food with a pronounced onion-y flavor. She's also skilled at feeding herself. She's mastered finger foods and has even managed to feed herself with a spoon on occasion. Lately, however, feeding Uma has become a challenge because she's discovered the joys of throwing food. I have to dole out finger foods one piece at a time or else she eats one piece and throws the rest. She seems to recognize my strategy and likes to try to fake me out. She'll pick up the piece of food I just put down on her tray, hold it out to the side like she's going to drop it, and then with a big smile on her face, pop it in her mouth at the last minute.
Today Uma tried out a new trick. She took big gulps of water from her sippy cup and then let the water dribble out of her mouth and down her chin. This was the source of great glee until mean Mommy took away her sippy cup. -
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006and another one!While cleaning Uma's teeth after breakfast this morning, I saw another tooth. This one is on the bottom, just to the left (of course) of the front teeth. This makes four (4) teeth that Uma has emerging all at once.
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Thursday, May 11, 2006teeth on the left sideUma has a second tooth coming in to the left of the one I saw earlier this week. That's the two teeth immediately to the left of the top front pair. On top of that, I both saw and felt a third tooth even further back on the top left. That makes a total of three teeth on the top left coming in at the same time. The other parts of her mouth are no-shows so far.
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006another wordShortly after I proclaimed that Uma knows only two words, she learned a third: "uh oh." And it's super cute. That's what Daddy's going to say when Uma discovers he said she only knew two. She's funny with "girl" because she doesn't know the difference between boys and girls. It could be the kids on the wagon box or on the picture on her wall or anything else; it doesn't matter, they're all "girl." She also recognizes words that she doesn't yet know how to say. One of her favorite games is "star flower" in which she scrambles over the bed in her room pointing at things on the bedspread. The other player has to identify it as a star or a flower, or, every now and then, a butterfly. She wanted to play "flower flower" with her pants, but Daddy got tired because there are like 10,000 flowers on them. Uma's got the drive of an Olympic athlete, but Daddy's holding her back.
Labels: words
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006two wordsIt seems that Uma only has the memory for two words at a time. One of those words is "mama." The other slot has had a more variable occupancy. She knew "duck" for a while. Then it was "dada." Now it's "girl." No doubt she'll pick up another word soon and drop that one. "Mama," of course, is immovable.
Labels: words
Tuesday, May 02, 2006five aliveI spotted a fifth tooth in Uma's mouth on Sunday. It's on top, just to the left of her top front teeth. It's barely exposed. There might be a companion on the other side just a little bit behind, but I couldn't get a good look because she doesn't like me poking around in there.
Labels: words
Monday, May 01, 2006

Check out those choppers. Look on Uma's lower left towards the back, and you can see an enormous premolar poking through.
what in the...
This morning, while engaging in Uma's favorite activity (cleaning her teeth), I found another tooth just to the right of her bottom front teeth. That makes 7 incoming teeth now: three (3) on the upper left, two (2) on the lower left, one (1) on the upper right, and now one (1) on the lower right.Labels: words

A word to the wise: if you don't pay up with the crackers, Uma will eat your fingers. She has

Uma has gotten really good at lowering herself gently to the floor instead of just plopping back on her butt.
heavens to betsy
This morning, I spotted yet another tooth coming in. This one's on the top right just next to the front teeth. This makes a total of 5 teeth that Uma has coming in all at once. Maybe I should qualify that with so far.Labels: words

What the heck? I'm Uma... That's Amu... Who's that!?!?!

Oh girl, even more friends over there!

Maybe these errands aren't so bad after all.

Oh boy, I can't wait till we open the box and that little boy and little girl come out to play with me! The wagon's pretty cool, too.