Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Wednesday, January 31, 2007
    Uma says "sigh" and then will sigh.

    Uma hosted her first group playdate yesterday. She survived, but was apparently initially stunned by the people in the house. She recovered by eating massive amounts of snacks.

    Uma's been having some allergies lately. After her bath, I gave her a liquid antihistamine with a syringe, which I then set aside so I could comb her hair. Uma rather likes the taste of her "mayo" (medicine), and the half teaspoon I gave her wasn't enough, so she picked that syringe up and sucked out the last few drops.

    Last night, the TV was apparently too loud, and it woke Uma up. There was no trouble, though; we heard her singing to herself for a while, then apparently engaging in a conference with her advisors, and then she fell back asleep.

    Uma's puma and Snowflake are learning how to use the phone. They do it just like Uma does: phone to the ear, blank expression, staring straight ahead, and saying absolutely nothing.


  • breakfast fun

    Daddy's too cheap to run the heat in the morning.



    Whee. That was fun.
  • Tuesday, January 30, 2007
    cooped up

    Uma's vision is so good she needs impairitive lenses.

    Wee buh. Wee buh. Wee buh!

    Oh! What a beautiful hat this iiiiiiiiiiisssss!
  • Monday, January 29, 2007
    the menagerie
    Over the last month, Uma has gotten really attached to her stuffed animals. Not all of them, of course; some are clearly more worthy than others. You've seen her puma before, which at present is her number one. Last week, we spent 15 minutes looking for her puma just before bed time (someone had put her in an empty oatmeal box; I wonder who'd do that...). I'd tell you her name, but I can't write it in English; it's Uma's version of a meow.

    Her current number two is Snowflake, a.k.a., "so way," the dog featured in two of today's pictures. Snowflake is one of the few stuffed animals we purchased for Uma, grabbed in a pinch from a Wal-Mart in Kerrville, TX, when we foolishly forgot to bring any toys for Uma on a trip.

    Finishing out Uma's top rankings of the moment are Sayo and Dayo, Starbear and this bizarre anthropomorphic duck with duck's heads for feet. Those two don't get carried around everywhere; usually they just stay in Uma's crib. They do have to be there at bed time, though, as seen in this picture from November.

    I mention that these are the current rankings because they change frequently. Puma's on top right now, but a few weeks ago, Sayo and Dayo were tops. Snowflake has been rising in favor over the last week or so, and may challenge Puma for the top spot. I can't claim to understand the internal politics of Uma's clique; I can only report on the developments I observe. The top four seem pretty stable, although every now and then one of the bears makes an attempt to grab a place; just last week, one bear managed to secure a coveted position in the crib overnight, though he must have committed some egregious faux pas in the night, as he wasn't welcomed back. Or, more ominously, perhaps Puma, Sofay, Sayo, and Dayo all ganged up to force out the pretender. It's a woof-woof eat woof-woof world out there.


  • winter hats

    Uma was quite disappointed to learn Snowflake's hat did not come in size U.

    Ok, let's go already.

    Hmmm... Daddy's hat is pretty good. I don't need both eyes.
  • Sunday, January 28, 2007
    war wounds

    Uma's fat lip from her fall. We have reached an out-of-court settlement.
  • Saturday, January 27, 2007
    still iced in

    Uma likes her window bench.
  • Friday, January 26, 2007
    pet sounds
    I don't have the heart to tell Uma that penguins don't quack and giraffes don't roar.


  • foe
    Uma and I have settled on an evening routine after I come home from work, and she has her bath. Well, she has settled on the routine. We go into the master bedroom, where I sit against one wall and "foe" a "bvvvv bah" against the other wall. Uma wanders around. Sometimes, Uma will run around me in circles, or pick up tiny specks of dirt and carry them off to the "gar" (bage). After a few minutes, she insists I move away from the wall, and she pushes on my back. I'm to fall forward giggling girlishly each time she does. The throwing must continue. After a few minutes of this, she makes me "yie" down and climbs all over me; she likes to stand on my stomach (it's a good thing she's only 22 lbs). Then I'm supposed to throw the ball at the ceiling for a while, followed by making her puma "fie" (fly). We've done this pretty much every evening for a week.
    pumas are predators, you know

    Puma pounce!

    Uma captures the blanket.
    all dolled up

    Uma quite likes the pretties in her hair.
    hello gertrude

    Uma loves the yogurt, mmm hmmm.
  • Thursday, January 25, 2007
    blue is the color
    I've been trying to teach Uma the names of colors off and on. Sometimes it seems she gets it, other times not so much. She has somehow fastened on to blue as the color of everything. She'll get a yellow ball and say "bvvvv bah," and I'll correct her, so she'll say "yeyo bah." Then she'll forget it and call it "bvvvv bah." Same for the red shirt she was wearing today. It was "bvvvv," I told her it was red, she called it a "wye" shirt briefly, and then it was "bvvvv" again. At least her pants today were blue, as was her diaper (also, all diapers are wet diapers, or "wye dayo," even poopy or clean ones). The best was when I told her the ball was red, and she told me it was a "wye bvvvv bah" (red blue ball). I'll keep working on it.


  • yipe

    I asked Uma to smile. This is what she gave me. We won't be entering her in any pageants anytime soon. We wouldn't want to scare the judges. (Also, those things are creepy)

    Uma listens to a distant train.

    Hmmm.... maybe I'll sleep here tonight.
  • Wednesday, January 24, 2007
    Uma favorite game is something that Ketan and I call "Go." Basically what happens is Uma will come up to you, thrust the string from a wheeled pull toy in your hand, and issue the command, "Go!" Then you have to walk in endless circles from the living room to the dining room into the kitchen and then back into the living room again while Uma follows closely behind you. She's kind of a control freak throughout the game. She gets mad if you don't keep up your pace, and if you are pulling her little toy wagon behind you, don't even think about putting anything on it. She will yell "uh-oh" and snatch it off. Once, feeling a little punchy after a long session of "Go," I ran off in the opposite direction with contraband on board the wagon just to mess with her. Let me just say, the ensuing temper tantrum ensured I would not try that again anytime soon.


  • housebound

    Uma seems less than devastated by the creation of our icy prison.

    Uma has little trouble finding ways to amuse herself.
  • Tuesday, January 23, 2007
    keeping busy

    Just reading the newspaper with Puma (Uma's name for her can't be written in English).

    Little Red Riding Hood off to "go" (draw).
  • Monday, January 22, 2007
    the thrilling climax
    This is by far Uma's favorite part of the book, easily ahead of the Fireflies Fandango ("fah fie"). She points at it and says, "Eyes. Eyes. Eyes."
  • scientific experimentation
    One of the great disappointments of Uma's young life was discovering she was not ferromagnetic.

    Nor is her Puma.
  • Sunday, January 21, 2007
    the ultimate compliment
    Uma likes to call herself a good girl. Often her reasons for doing so are a little confusing to us. For example, when she's upset with something (usually some torture or indignity we're inflicting on her), as she's crying, she'll sob out a "Goo ger. Nay," ("nay" = "yay").

    She'll also say it for things in which lesser individuals would be unable to find celebration or validation, such as selecting a diaper cover (this morning), convincing us to turn on the music, or putting a book in her stroller. What's especially funny (to me) is that she usually says it in a completely stoic monotone, like she's channeling her sullen teenaged self from 11 years in the future. "Go ger. Nay."

    Yesterday, as I was changing her diaper, she told me she was a good girl. Then she said Molly was a good girl. Then she said Sadie was a good girl. Finally, in what will surely rank as one of the most touching moments of my life, something that brought a quiver to my lip and tears to my eyes, she said, "Goo ger. Dada."


  • grand theft stroller
    All right, I'm taking this to Mexico!
  • Saturday, January 20, 2007
    the stool
    Uma and the step-stool in happier days, before their falling off. Er. Out. Whatever.
  • Friday, January 19, 2007
     A cool customer in the bath.

     Hooray! Splashy!

     Uma likes riding on Daddy's shoulders.
  • Thursday, January 18, 2007

    Uma really, really likes Sadie. Sadie, um... tolerates Uma.

    We told them to sit. Two out of three ain't bad.
  • Wednesday, January 17, 2007
    another first
    Uma stumbled and fell off a stool this morning, earning her First Bloody Nose. She was kind of upset, understandably, but now she's happily chasing around her alligator, which had been in retirement until coming back for the special occasion of Bloody Nose After Three Days Stuck At Home. She also bit her lips a bit.

    Speaking of biting lips, Uma's upper two canines are finally coming in. The left one is sticking out pretty far, while the right one is just barely peeking out. Next up: two year molars. Those will be fun.


  • Going for a walk back before we got iced in.

    Uma's started a triker gang.
  • Tuesday, January 16, 2007
    Uma is seeing her first snow right now. She calls it "so."


  • Dragon, take two: now with Elmo!

    We're still working on teaching Uma where things go.
  • Monday, January 15, 2007

    Uma finally decides to tolerate her Halloween costume.

  • Uma holds back a blast of fire.
  • Sunday, January 14, 2007

    Uma has expensive taste in jewelry.
  • Saturday, January 13, 2007

    Uma's bashful pose.
  • Friday, January 12, 2007
    wah nganga
    Uma has a cold. She seems to have a fever, and her nose has been running since yesterday. The runny nose has been annoying her. In a first, Uma has been asking to have her nose wiped. Previous times she has been sick, wiping her nose has been a battle. This morning, however, she pointed at the box of tissues and vocalized insistently. We've since taught her to say "wipe nose." We'd have made it "wipe nose please," but Uma's not yet putting three words together.


  • mood swing


    Not stoic.
  • Thursday, January 11, 2007
    breakfast fun

    Uma declaims while waiting for her meal.

    Peek-a-boo, I see you.

    Sometimes we question Uma's commitment to dental hygiene.
  • Wednesday, January 10, 2007

    Uma busts a move.

  • Pondering.
  • Tuesday, January 09, 2007

    This water, it's just amazing!

  • It might have been Ayuh's before, but it's the Puma's now.

    Uh! Uh! Psss! Psss! Psss! Psss! Psss! Psss!
  • Monday, January 08, 2007

    Uma is never this still and cooperative when we read to her.

  • Thank you for flying Air Graham; we hope you have an enjoyable stay.
  • Sunday, January 07, 2007

    Uma rests up. There's even more Christmas on its way.
  • Saturday, January 06, 2007

    Bundled up against the chill of a yellowish-green Christmas.
  • Friday, January 05, 2007

    What are you so confused about? They're socks... They go on your feet. You know, "SAYO." <sigh> Give me those.

  • Hooray! Christmas!

    (on seeing this picture just now, Uma said "Ayuh, Ayuh." "Nganga" got left out in the cold)

    I swear she's just excited, not possessed.
  • Thursday, January 04, 2007

    Give me more cookie or the orange juice gets it.

  • I ate what?

    Uma contemplates her apparently miserable fate.
  • Wednesday, January 03, 2007

    Ayuh and Ayuh practice for the Third Annual Child-Throwing.

  • Oh, we're making faces now? Ok...

    Uma tries to conceal her identity in order to dodge the media.
  • Tuesday, January 02, 2007

    Just a goofy face.

  • Fresh produce, $0.95.
  • Monday, January 01, 2007
    Uma Update
    Over the past couple of weeks, Uma has started to engage in pretend play. Sometimes she will sit one of her stuffed animals next to her when she's eating and pretend to feed it by holding a bite of food up to its mouth and saying, "num num" before popping the food in her mouth. She also pretends to talk Grandma on a toy telephone. She holds the phone up to her ear and say, "Gow [her current word for Grandma], uh-huh, uh-huh..." followed by a stream of babble.

    Uma has also taken an interest in fashion. Most mornings she insists on picking out her own clothes. Usually if I give her two options to choose from, she's satisfied. This morning, however, she rejected four pairs of pants before she found ones that she liked. Later we narrowly missed a show down over which jacket she would wear on our walk. Since it was cold out, I wanted her to wear her heavy jacket. A light corduroy jacket, however, was more to her liking. Finally we reached a compromise: she would wear her corduroy jacket underneath the heavier jacket.


  • Uma does not have a cookie problem. She can quit whenever she wants.

    One of Uma's favorite things is to walk in circles around the house with you dragging that wagon behind you for hours at a time. Sadly, it has now disappeared into the federal Wagon Protection Program.