Uma Watch Day 7265: Oh man I haven't changed this tag line in a loooooong time.
  • Saturday, March 31, 2007
    I'm not going to pretend to understand
  • Friday, March 30, 2007
    Sick Again
    Only two weeks after Uma got over the flu, another virus has struck. Uma has had a slight fever, cough, and stuffy nose for the past couple of days, which we attributed to teething and allergies. She was really warm this morning, so I took her to the doctor, who said it looks like Uma has a virus that has been going around. The doctor prescribed a cough suppressant/antihistimanine/decongestant and said to bring Uma back if her fever isn't gone by Monday.


  • stepstool
    Uma climbs down from the stepstool.



    She's quite pleased with herself.
    Uma wants a different style

    Or maybe a different stylist. C'mon, no blow-dry?
  • Thursday, March 29, 2007
    the pendulum swings
    All through the course of a single meal, in chronological order...

    No, I don't wanna eat dinner!

    Mmmm.... dinner!

    I guess this is acceptable.

    Yummy pineapple.

    Oh no, the pineapple is all gone!

    Oooh, bonus spinach!
  • Wednesday, March 28, 2007
    see uma!
    It's getting harder to take pictures of Uma. She's learned that you can see pictures in the viewfinder. As soon as she sees the camera, she yells "see Uma" and runs over so she can look at pictures of herself. Usually I can snap off a shot in time, but I do end up with a lot of pictures of Uma running gleefully towards me.


  • mo' toof
    Uma's pushing a new molar. She likes the idea, but is none too keen on the reality; it kind of hurts. Ibuprofen helps, though, to the point that I can tell nearly to the second when it starts working.

    She's up to 4-term sentences, and she's starting to learn more abstract words like "over" and "too."


    bouncey bouncey bouncey boo


    Also a 1.7 MB MP4.


    it was like this when I got here!
  • Tuesday, March 27, 2007
    bracelet yourself

    I want some bracelets.

    No! No! Bracelets off! No!

    More bracelets, please. I'll wait here.
  • Monday, March 26, 2007
    Uma surveys her domain

    ... and finds it lacking, to judge by her expression.
  • Uma sleeping

    Apparently she thought she'd be trouble, so she pinned her arm behind her back.
  • Sunday, March 25, 2007
    playing at the sand and water table

    I got a fast flash card for the camera, so I can take longer videos now. Here's Uma playing at her sand and water table last week (39 MB Quicktime, 39 seconds):

    Martin Scorsese I ain't. I probably ought to use YouTube or something like that, but Uma deserves high resolution.

    Update: Google Video:


  • read book?

    Pssss. Pssss...
  • Saturday, March 24, 2007
    moose rider

    Uma's decked out in all her tough moose rider gear.
  • Friday, March 23, 2007
    murderers' row

    Uma isn't allowed to have her friends with her at the breakfast table, but she likes to have them nearby.
  • elmower chair

    My guess is that wearing a bulky cloth diaper helps a lot in the comfort department.
    sand and water table

    Uma enjoys one of her recent acquisitions.
  • Thursday, March 22, 2007
    hi, my name is...
    No more "Ngeh." Uma learned to say her name today. Very loudly.


  • the sickhouse
    dump truck chair
  • Wednesday, March 21, 2007
    wunny nose

    Uma's "bulldozer" was one of the few comforts she had while sick.
  • Uma's bored

    Climbing the furniture isn't that interesting anymore.
    Uma sleeping

    She really does sleep like this, even when she's faking.
  • Tuesday, March 20, 2007
    all the animals sleep at the same time
  • smug shot

    "I've got Aero and you don't..."
  • Monday, March 19, 2007
    Nummy 'Cama
    Earlier today I was pondering what to do with some leftover jicama. Now I know: feed it to Uma. Uma devoured about a cup of raw jicama this afternoon. At first I fed her cubes of it, but soon I couldn't keep up with her demands for "mo' nummy 'cama," so I lopped off big slices for her to nibble on. I hope this wasn't just a passing fancy. Jicama makes a good snack. It's nutritious, travels well, and isn't sticky or drippy.


  • elmo slippers

    Uma has rediscovered her Elmo slippers, and this time, she even wants to wear them.
    she's happy

    I'm not sure why, but I'll take it.
  • Sunday, March 18, 2007
    Sleeping Beauty
    The other night Ketan and I were commenting on how far Uma's sleeping habits have come. When she was a baby, we struggled to get Uma to sleep. There was the hellish period when she was between about five and ten weeks old when she screamed inconsolably from about 1 a.m. to about 3 a.m. almost every single night. Nothing would calm her--not nursing, not rocking, not bouncing, not swaddling, not being walked around, not even the magical swing. We just had to wait out her fury. As she got older, it was still a lot of work to get her to sleep--lots of patting and rocking were required and then we had to sneak out of the room without waking her lest we have to start the whole process over again. For a long time, we didn't do much in the evenings besides put Uma to bed. Gradually less work was required, but still many nights she just did not want to go bed. Sometime in the last few months, though, something just clicked for her. Her crib has, of all things, become a happy place for her. She chatters away and sings to her stuffed animals as she falls asleep. She has even begun reminding me that she has a nap coming up or that it's almost bedtime. I knew she'd really gotten it, though, a couple nights ago. She was sleeping restlessly, and I thought it was probably because she was cold. So, Ketan and I went into her room and woke her up to put another layer on her. She opened her eyes, looked at me, and she said in an exacerbated tone, "Mommy bye-bye! Ing-uh seep!" (Umese for "Mommy go away! Uma's sleeping!")


  • Uma cleans her puma
  • Saturday, March 17, 2007
    no standing, Uma

    Huh? Me? Standing? I wasn't standing...
  • Friday, March 16, 2007
    the joy of puma
  • ooh... Kix!

    Uma tries to figure out how to spend her allowance.
  • Thursday, March 15, 2007
    Uma is feeling a lot better today. The last two days were miserable, but she's coming out of it now. She's happy and running around again, even though she has a mild fever still and a runny nose (which she calls her "wunny nose").

    Word frequency count for yesterday:

    1. 10,000: "no"

    2. 5,000: "wipey"

    3. 100: everything else put together

    Uma had the flu proper; she got the nasal swab test at the pediatrician's and everything. The Tamiflu seemed to upset her stomach, so we didn't give it to her. She wants you to remind us to get her vaccinated next year.

    The flu didn't affect her learning. She's started to put 4 words together. Yesterday, in one of her few non-"no" non-"wipey" utterances she said, "go see mail truck." That and the garbage truck were among the only high points of the day. She's learned lots of other words and phrases along the way. Right now she's wobbling from one leg to the other saying "boom boom boom." I have no idea where she picked that one up.


  • nose stick
    neighborhood news

    Uma looks for mentions of her neighborhood watching prowess in our community newsletter.
    safari hat
  • Wednesday, March 14, 2007
    this ride is broken

    It doesn't do anything. I'm gonna put rocks on its head.
  • go slide
    our little trespasser
  • Tuesday, March 13, 2007
    The flu that felled me this weekend has struck Jessica as well, and appears to be claiming its third victim. Uma threw up shortly after waking and has a 99.8° temperature.

    As I was bringing her over from her room this morning, I told her to be nice to Mommy because Mommy was sick. Uma said, "Ungah yike Mommy."


  • sleepyhead

    Uma's having a little trouble waking up.

    A few stretches, and she's ready to go.
    this smile cost, well, nothing
  • Monday, March 12, 2007
    leave me alone, it's 6 am!

    Pigtails are (apparently) very serious.

    Oooh! That! Gimme that! Whatever it is.

    Uma's gonna get some serious organizing done when we get back. And shampooing.
  • Sunday, March 11, 2007
    Summer Fun
    Summers in Texas are long and brutally hot. In the pre-Uma era, I just avoided the outdoors from June to September. However, that just doesn't fly with Uma. She loves playing outside, no matter what the temperature. So, over the past couple of months, I've been preparing for summer. To protect us from the sun and the mosquitoes, I bought a 10 foot by 10 foot screened-in canopy. To keep Uma entertained inside the canopy, I have an inflatible wading pool and a really cool sand and water table. For times when we venture outside our canopy, I got an 88-inch beach ball sprinkler for us to chase. I'd still prefer to spend our summer inside in the air conditioning, but I don't think it will be that bad from the shade of the canopy.


  • that smile never gets old
  • Saturday, March 10, 2007
    look ma, no pants!
  • Friday, March 09, 2007
    words words words
    Uma is picking up so many words so fast now that there's no point in listing them. It seems like she says new ones every day when I come home from work.


  • wild child

    Uma on her evening jog.

    Being one of Uma's animal friends is... demanding.

    I feel pretty, oh so pretty...
  • Thursday, March 08, 2007
    das kapitol

    Sitting on a bench outside with a ball. Go 'way, Daddy, I'm having a good time.

    See, Uma, that's what happens to little girls who are bad.
  • Wednesday, March 07, 2007
    capitol time

    Uma likes to walk on the grass.

    Dada, foe bah.

    More marching.
  • Tuesday, March 06, 2007
    dinner theater

    I have no idea what this face is.

    Uma's lovely glamour smile.

    Puma roar? I'm gonna eat you? Your guess is as good as mine.

    Yay. Making faces is fun.
  • Monday, March 05, 2007
    at the playground

    Ungeh sigh.

    Sayo! Aaji! Sayo! Sayo!

    Ow. Ow. Ow!
  • Sunday, March 04, 2007

    The rocks are the best part of the playground.

    Uma immediately graveltates towards them.
  • Saturday, March 03, 2007
    feet up!

    Sorry for the delay on today's picture. I had to replace a part in my computer that flaked out.
  • Friday, March 02, 2007
    dragon ROAR

    Uma's bath has to be set up just right, or she doesn't get clean.

    Sssh... someone's sleeping. Note the animals, especially poor Snowflake being smothered with just the red hat sticking out.

    Actually, as you can see, she has an eye open. I thought she was asleep when I took the picture, but I guess I'm not sneaky enough.

    Sometimes she finds that dragon jacket and insists on wearing it.
  • Thursday, March 01, 2007
    mia gass today!

    Second thing in the morning and last thing at night: wee buh.

    The safety inspector is OK with soft hats on the construction site.

    Uma's driving is so scary, even with the seat belt, the Valentine puppy just can't look.