Uma Watch Day 7265: Now with even more.
  • Friday, August 31, 2007
    Uma swings with Uncle Graham

    Uncle Graham is not so experienced.


  • Uma plays with Molly

    Molly's none too happy about it.


  • Thursday, August 30, 2007
    Silly style

  • Uma has her own grocery list

    As well as a personal assistant.
  • Wednesday, August 29, 2007
    This shirt is too big for Uma


  • She really does sleep like this
  • Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    I'm sorry.


    Daddy, that was terrible.


  • Monday, August 27, 2007
    Uma splashes in the pool at Grandma's house


  • Huh? I wasn't in the basket.

    Why would you think I was in the basket? I'm not being defensive. You're being defensive.
    Sssshhh... Uma's sleeping

    Elmo too.


    Uma's awake now.
  • Sunday, August 26, 2007
    Uma has new Elmoes

    And she doesn't care if she wears the same clothes two days in a row.
  • Saturday, August 25, 2007
    The ducks are the new favorites

    They're going with us to the grocery store, I am told.
  • Friday, August 24, 2007
    Rocks for Mommy

    And pretty flowers, too. I guess. But it's the rocks that she'll really like.
  • She's not in a glass house

    So it's ok.
    Two "Goodnight Moons"

    Er. "Goodnights Moon." "Goodnights Moons?"
  • Thursday, August 23, 2007
    a literally-minded child
    We told Uma not to wear her shoes while sitting on the furniture. She took them off and then placed them neatly next to her. On the sofa.


  • Mush! Mush!
    Making a dramatic entrance
  • Wednesday, August 22, 2007
    More child abuse?

    I swear she likes it; she even asks for it.
  • She's actually wearing a dress

    So it doesn't matter if she's making a goofy face.
  • Tuesday, August 21, 2007
    Grandma's birthday

    Gotta set out an extra chair.


    All right, when's this thing getting started? I didn't get all dressed up to wait around.


    Huh? Why's that in front of Grandma? Uma's birthday!


    Oooohhh..... I don't know what this is, and I don't care as long as you keep it coming!

    I have never, ever, ever seen Uma eat anything as fast as she ate that poppy seed torte. And another serving. And another, which is when we cut her off.
  • Monday, August 20, 2007
    I Tried to Change the Station, and She Said, "No, No, No."
    Today I discovered that Uma is a big fan of the Amy Winehouse song "Rehab." We were listening to the radio in the car when the song came on. I didn't feel like listening to it, so I changed the radio station. A howl of indignation arose from the backseat and Uma started yelling, "No dis song! No dis song! Other song!" Thinking that Uma didn't like the song I had switched to, I changed to a third station. Uma shouted even louder, "Other song! Other song!" I tried a few more stations before finally realizing that Uma wanted to listen to "Rehab." Sure enough, when I switched back to the first radio station, Uma quieted down. "This is the song you want?" I said to her. She replied with an affirmative grunt.


  • Uma needs her amusements at the grocery
    Hey! Don't leave me here!
    Uma loves the library
  • Sunday, August 19, 2007
    Two is an interesting age...
    We saw a plane flying far overhead from Uma's room. She said it was going to the airport. I corrected her; it was going away from the airport. Then I asked her where she thought it was going. Her response: "Airplane going Aaji airport." Apparently American now has direct AUS-AAJ service.

    It is hard for me to convey how awesome Uma's sleeping has been. After lunch today, she said, "Uma all done. Ready for nap now." If I linger too long in her room after she lies down in her crib, she says, "Daddy go out now." It's fantastic. It makes it ok that I've had to come over several times in the last week to fix her Elmo slippers, especially since she lies right back down afterward and falls asleep, often saying, "Uma sleep now."

    Uma is getting the idea that there's a word for everything. She'll do some random action or pose and then ask what it's called: "What's this Uma doing?" Sometimes we have an answer, like when she spontaneously got into the Yoga pose Cobra, or when she had her arms crossed. Sometimes even she knows the answer and is just, apparently, making conversation: "you're lying down." Other times, like when she bent over with her hands on the edge of the bath tub and was alternately raising her legs... Let's just say I have a limited vocabulary.

    I scolded Uma for chasing the dogs with her stroller (holding Elmo). I explained to her that I put Elmo into timeout because she was bothering Molly. Then Uma said, "and Sadie." She's an honest girl.

    Uma has an inexplicable reluctance to go in the potty. She definitely has control, though; we've been giving her lots of naked time, and she's barely had any accidents (knock wood). I don't know what's scary about it; her baby dolls manage it just fine (according to Uma).

    Every time we go to the hardware store, Uma has to have paint samples. That's the rule. Another rule is that Mommy isn't allowed to give Uma her oatmeal when I'm around.

    Uma is getting good at the compound sentences. One morning just after waking: "Molly come into Uma's room and say 'hi Uma.'" She's started to use first person pronouns as well, so she doesn't sound so much like Bob Dole anymore. "I knocked over the tower." Or, "I need this block," as she removes a piece from the tower and destroys Daddy's vision in another way. "Uma read this book by myself."

    Upon discovering that Mommy, Daddy, and Uma all have spines, she inferred that Grandma and Great-Grandma do as well.

    At least once every few days, I have to sing "Happy Birthday" to Uma, blow out some imaginary candles, and then remove said imaginary candles from an imaginary cake. Uma and Elmo have the same birthday, you know.

    Food that stands unsupported is the best kind. Fig Newtons and certain kinds of toast are best in that regard. Cottage cheese is, to put it mildly, disappointing.


  • Penne
  • Saturday, August 18, 2007
    Swinging at Grandma's


  • Friday, August 17, 2007
    Uma plays with animals in the basket


  • Thursday, August 16, 2007
    Uma can pet Molly nicely
    She just chooses not to.
  • Uma has pretty pretty hair
  • Wednesday, August 15, 2007
    This robe is too big for Uma
  • This shirt is too big for Uma
  • Tuesday, August 14, 2007
    Going to Grandma's
    Long car rides are a good time to catch up on reading.

    Uma gets ready to hit the waves.

    While in the pool, Uma helps with some public works. The water has to go from here to there, see?
  • Excuse me, I need to take this
    Uma's lunch is interrupted by a call on her phoot fone.
  • Monday, August 13, 2007
    On top of Mount Daddy
  • Everyone should have an Uncle Graham
    He reads!

    He swings!

    He seeks!

    He's the total package!
  • Sunday, August 12, 2007
    Sometimes we have no clean clothes
  • Saturday, August 11, 2007
    Mommy's hat
  • Friday, August 10, 2007
    Uma splashes in the pool

    a.k.a., Aaji and Ajoba use Uma as a pawn in their games, and set a bad example.


  • Thursday, August 09, 2007
    Poor child has to eat unthawed food

    And we don't even put it in a plate.
  • Uma cleans herself up
    Even high-speed photography isn't fast enough

    Uma Puma Ninja Clap!
    Whoa, slippery
  • Wednesday, August 08, 2007
    That Dora

    Always on such serious adventures.
  • Uma's throne rocks
  • Tuesday, August 07, 2007
    Oh, that's delish!
  • Uma and her chickadee are going to sea
  • Monday, August 06, 2007
    I don't know the game

    But it sure makes a mess.
  • Not her idea

    Uma would just like you to know that.
  • Sunday, August 05, 2007
    child abuse


  • Saturday, August 04, 2007
    Uma and Elmo eat chapati

    Little girl, little chairs, little table, little bowls, little plates, little spoons, little forks. A meal for Elmo, "Uma's friend," Uma, and Elmo's Mommy.

    At 1:28: Apparently, that pose is called "eye kuck." Must be some advanced yoga, because I ain't never heard of it.


  • Friday, August 03, 2007
    Grocery essentials

    1: Samples.


    2: The car cart.

    Optional: Buy food
  • Modeling the pretty hat

    Car rides are boring, so Uma does what she can.
  • Thursday, August 02, 2007
    After getting caught in the rain
  • Why is the water fountain in the floor?
    Uma want up here
    The wind is trying to steal Uma's hat
  • Wednesday, August 01, 2007
    Hmmm... You know, we need some chocolate

    Did I say "some?" I mean a lot. And by "we" I mean "I." You don't get any. Uma's!
  • A life of leisure